The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

womens-march-boston-commonsA number of friends contacted me with frustration lately, because they discovered that a number of women from their churches participated, in person, at one of the many Women’s Marches around the country. What’s more, these same women were distressed because a good number of the women who marched expressed sadness about the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Why were my friends upset? My guess is that they assumed that the other women in their church thought as they did regarding various “women’s issues,” such as abortion and feminism, and were shocked to see their church friends reacting much like the mainstream media when their candidate lost the election. As the expression goes, “When you assume, you make an ass of you and me (ass of u and me).

The mistake we all can make is to accept the categories we are given by the culture, and thereby believe every woman who turned out to these marches was in full agreement with the talking heads and celebrities who were given airtime. It is faulty to assume that every woman who participated wants to kill an unborn child. While many who attended might well have had abortions in their past, maybe they were marching because they desperately want to see justice prevail against fathers who committed incest with them, or men who used and then abandoned them when they got pregnant, or men who raped them and got off scott free. We need to realize that there are legitimate concerns that women have and that they need to be addressed Biblically and presuppositionally. While it is true that many women are blind to areas where they are culpable for inflicting an injustice upon another (killing of their unborn child), we need to remember that Scripture says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” As we engage one-on-one with those we encounter, we will accomplish much more than gathering large crowds in the public square to make our point. We need to uncover why they believe the way they do.

Many women are sexually victimized because the surrounding culture promotes a casual attitude about sexual offenses. I think many people would be astounded to know how prevalent sexual sins occur in what appear to be good, Christian families. Moreover, if those victimized become rebellious and turn from their upbringing, we assume the blame belongs on the child, without considering that something dreadful may have precipitated the rebellion. More focus is given to changing the behavior of the rebellious child, never giving full attention as to why a child in a Christian family might act out in such a way. I have spoken with a number of young women who grew up with a father or a brother who repeatedly violated them sexually. More often than not, they felt they had little to no recourse. Who would they tell? Who would believe them? What would happen after it was revealed?  With little apparent recourse, they sometimes went “wild.”

Sadly, most of them kept quiet, until they were in a position to no longer be sinned against by the family member. Then, often years later, when they brought the truth to light, others in their churches or families told them to “get over it” because it happened so long ago. However, one does not “get over” sin. One must deal with sin and it should be dealt with according to God’s directives. In many cases, the reputation and perception of the particular church with the offending member was deemed of greater importance than seeing justice served.  Having abandoned God’s Word and the need for the civil government’s jurisdictional intervention, injustice prevailed.[1]

To what do we owe this phenomenon? The modern church has focused on being a body of “New Testament” believers and avoided, abandoned, or nullified the Old Testament Mosaic law. As a result, it has become open season on cheap forgiveness and winking at sin. When denominations reinstate adulterous pastors to ministry, and elders and church boards instruct women who were violated to “move on,” what hope is there to stop this epidemic? Moreover, when pulpits do not teach God’s law and address cultural issues in light of that law, and dismiss children and young people to “children’s church” or “youth church,” it is easy for sin to continue on a family level.  After all, the status quo eliminates an environment where the entire family is hearing God’s law preached completely.

There is another saying that goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! I can only wonder how many of the young women sexually abused would have appreciated knowing that what their fathers or brothers were doing to them was wrong, and would have found other people who knew the Biblical mandates to help them escape their nightmarish situations. If you think this is not a real problem, you have allowed yourself to be an ostrich with your head in the sand.

The early church had to deal with converted pagans who came to faith with lots of sinful baggage. How did the church deal with it?  — by preaching the full-counsel of God and demanding that one’s fruits be evidence of one’s conversion. We can tackle this blight only when we return to the source of justice—God’s law —learned, lived, applied, and upheld.


[1] It should also be noted that the Biblical mandate for a woman to cry out in the case of sexual rape or assault (Deut. 22) is rarely taught or followed. Thus, it can be easy for a woman to report falsely about a non-existent offense from years prior, and never face the consequences of perjury when/if she be found to be lying. The law of God addresses both true and false accusations.

10 thoughts on “Why Did They March?

  1. Jennifer Dages says:

    This is an excellent article and perspective needed to speak to conservative women offended by the women’s March. I for one do not really want to be associated with the March, but we need to hear the cry for help and for justice that comes from so many of the women of our land.


  2. Sue M. says:

    There were also pro-life feminists (no they are not necessarily incompatible) who wanted to participate in the march(es), especially the one in D.C., who were turned away by the organizers. You can be pro-woman and stand up for women’s issues like domestic violence, rape, human trafficking, the need for women’s health care sans abortion, equality in the workplace, without being pro-choice. These are human rights issues, not left or right, Democrat or Republican.


    1. Andrea Schwartz says:

      I agree. Though, I don’t particularly like the term feminist. I think it has been overused and thus conveys only caricatures depending on who is using the term. Labels are a convenient way,at times, to dismiss a person and fail to really listen.


  3. Sue M. says:

    You’re about the labels, Andrea. Feminists for Life,, defies many stereotypes that some theologically Christians have about feminists, though. I probably fall roughly in their camp and am a pro-life Anglican Christian. My husband called me a feminist, but not a “feminazi”. Maybe that’s what you mean. Here’s something that many people don’t know about 30% of Democrats are pro-life, including me. Once we get our income tax refund, I’m going to join Democrats for Life.

    On the other hand, I have needed to repent for stereotyping people in some Christian denominations and Republicans. Not every Republican thinks that every word that comes out of President Trump’s mouth is a pearl of wisdom, for example. Not all Baptists or people who belong to Vineyard churches will say that I risk eternal damnation because I won’t be rebaptized.

    Someone said that we learn the most by seeking to understand instead of seeking to be understood. You did a great job conveying that message in this post.


    1. Andrea Schwartz says:

      I think that instead of using man-made labels, we’d all be better served in using biblical ones. Faithful and unfaithful, covenant keeping and covenant breaking, etc. are more relevant that republican or democrat. If we focus on what the Word of God says and how we can be trustworthy in that regards, we’d all do better in helping one another sees things from a perspective we’ve ignored or never been attentive to. Restoration involves listening and being polite in the process. Name-calling rarely makes headway with people, and usually only is a feeble attempt to make oneself feel important.


  4. Diane says:

    Well, I see your point. However the March lost all credibility for me when Pro Life feminists were told they need not attend. Also, the foul language and rabble rousing of the celebrities that were the keynote speakers, also made me want to distance myself from the March.
    I would much rather attend the March for Life. And yes, I do think sexual abuse against women, and human trafficking are very important.
    I consider my self a Christian, Pro life feminist who believes women can and should have careers outside the home, serve in the military , and all parts of society just as men do. However, I am pro-life, and I guess this March struck me as being about abortion, or reproductive rights, with which I cannot agree.


    1. Andrea Schwartz says:

      I was never intending the legitimize the organizers of the March. My point was that not all women who participated should be construed to believe in the organizers’ agenda. I’m convinced we need to be wary of those who wish to throw our country into a civil war. We can gain much more headway discussing issues rather than be pulled into polarizing scenarios.

      When should say that you believe that women “should”…. I would ask the question, by what standard are you making that call? We want to be careful about making it about individual preferences, otherwise we play into the attitude that says that things like abortion can be right for one woman and not the next. Without a transcendent standard that comes from God, we’ll always have relativism.


  5. Lisa N. Lee says:

    Perhaps if we wonder why women marched, we could just sit down with our sisters and listen to what they have to say without judgement, but in a spirit of inquiry with people we care about and care about us. I can say i am pro life and I do not agree that we must handcuff mothers and children at airports. I can say I am pro life and abhor our presidents pattern of disregarding and disrespecting women, bullying those who disagree with him, and insulting our allies. I am pro life and I can care for refugees fleeing from killing fields.


    1. Andrea Schwartz says:

      You are so right. Communication is the key. The Bible says that the Truth sets people free. That capital letter says the Truth is Jesus Christ. We fall into a trap if we decide we have to side with those our position, rather than uphold God’s positions. Immigration, preying on women, behavior and circumstances that lead to bad decisions, are ALL things the Bible addresses. Instead of fighting with those who war with God, let’s bring them into the family of God by our faithful witness and boldness to speak the Truth to them in love.


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