The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

Part of my exercise routine involves swimming a minimum of 1250 yards twice a week. Often I am in the pool with other swimmers, many of whom I do not really know. By that I mean, that although I usually end up knowing their first names, I don’t have a sense of the context of …

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The Christian school that my three grandchildren attend has a yearly event that invites grandparents to come and enjoy time in the classroom. This year, despite the fact that I live a good three hours away, my grandson asked if I would attend. The date immediately went on my calendar. This past Friday I found …

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I have the privilege of interacting with “on-the-job” wives and mothers who seek to put God’s law-word into action in their own lives and in the lives of their children. More often than not, I get to hear their litany of things that they consider they are not doing well in carrying out their calling. …

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