The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

Through my mentoring and teaching encounters, I know that many struggle when it comes to having discussions with non-believing family members and friends. Topics like abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, statism, etc. are especially difficult. Christians want to know how they can get others to change their mind on these topics. I encourage them to ask themselves …

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Most of what passes for “restoring male leadership in the church” these days is in fact suppressing female initiative and decreasing areas of legitimate action and involvement by women. It’s not difficult to predict that this won’t lead to more men leaders and more obedient wives but to more complacent and tyrannical men and more …

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Teaching is a risky business. What if your students do not really learn the truths you wish to convey? Worse yet, what if they come up with the “wrong” conclusions about what you have instructed – perspectives quite different from your own? If you are a teacher in a day school setting, you might file …

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