The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

Through my mentoring and teaching encounters, I know that many struggle when it comes to having discussions with non-believing family members and friends. Topics like abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, statism, etc. are especially difficult. Christians want to know how they can get others to change their mind on these topics. I encourage them to ask themselves …

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I recently watched two films dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and how it affects those diagnosed and their families. While each movie did a good job of showing the challenges and burdens experienced when a family member is afflicted, they also presented worldviews, complete with presuppositions, subtly woven into these personal stories.

There are times you meet people for the first time and the interaction is almost as though you’ve known them for years. Why? Because you share the same worldview and have similar reference points. Many lament that there aren’t more like-minded people who live in their area and feeling all alone often makes them lose …

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I am convinced that there are many faithful, dedicated Christians who want to advance the Kingdom of God but who get flustered, tongue-tied, or drawn into combative situations when they try to give a reason for the hope that is within them. In our day, the Christian church culture is saturated with feel-good, easy-believism that …

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