The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

It is easy for those of us who have been graced with a knowledge and understanding of the law-word of God to forget how hell-bent and wrong-headed we were prior to receiving the gift of salvation. Depending how long we have walked the journey of faith and with it the sanctification that accompanies obedience, the …

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One wonders what it will take to get lawmakers to recognize the magnitude of the continual sin our nation commits by maintaining the legality of abortion. If the videos from the Center for Medical Progress are not enough evidence to prove that abortion is the slaughter of innocent children, what additional proof will persuade pro-choicers? …

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Driving would be a treacherous activity if we could not see what was behind us. Looking ahead is important and decidedly easier because we have eyes in the front of our head. Despite what some children believe about their mothers, human beings were not graced with visual sight from behind. That is the reason driving …

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