The Kingdom-Driven Family

Building a Home That Serves Christ and His Kingdom

I live close to the city where the 2016 Super Bowl will be played. I have never been much of a football fan, and I endure football season every year. However, this year, it is even harder to pretend objectivity on the subject. What has changed? I recently watched the movie Concussion with my husband. …

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Forty years ago, I had no idea what marriage would really be like. Couple that with the fact that when I took the plunge, I was not walking in step with the commands of the Creator. In fact, I was in full-scale rebellion to the two Great Commandments and the Ten Commandments, and I was …

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Through my mentoring and teaching encounters, I know that many struggle when it comes to having discussions with non-believing family members and friends. Topics like abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, statism, etc. are especially difficult. Christians want to know how they can get others to change their mind on these topics. I encourage them to ask themselves …

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If you are like me, you have always assumed the phrase appearance of evil (1 Thess. 5:22) has to do with conduct that might be construed as outside the bounds of godly living. The problem with this is that it uses one definition of the word “appearance” which means an outward show. That is not …

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Mankind has always been faced with a choice:  either accept God’s terms (and His definitions of terms), or construct independent and self-serving ones. When a culture constructs new ways of referring to Biblical concepts, it is evidence that it is in active rebellion against God and its laws and conduct will reflect such rebellion. When …

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When babies first come into the world, it is not beneficial to feed them an adult diet. Without a mature digestive system, teeth, and the ability to hold themselves up, they would not get the nutrition they need, and they would likely become ill from adult food. That is why in God’s design, an infant’s …

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Periodically the subject of women working outside the home comes up in discussions with women I mentor. The question is: Now that this practice is so entrenched in our culture, is it a practice that honors God or not? The first thing we need to consider is the responsibilities that the Word of God gives …

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